One-Pan Meals

I love me some one-pan meals! Mainly because it means less dishes, but also it’s a quick and easy way to clean out the fridge. I used to work in a corporate job where we had a dining room for breakfast and lunch (and the best chef in town - miss you, Carlos!) but now that I’m working for myself there’s a lot more cooking involved.

I like to make larger batches, too, so I’m not having to cook every day. There’s a formula to this—the not-so-secret-sauce, if you will.

  • 3-5 veggies

  • 1 protein

  • 1 fat

  • herbs and spices

Usually, my fat is the cooking oil. Most times, I use unrefined, virgin coconut oil or bacon juice. Mmmmmm…bacon juice.

The protein varies - sometimes it’s sausage, sometimes beef or poultry, and sometimes it’s fish or eggs. It’s important to think of the protein as a side dish and vegetables as the main dish. Most people work around the protein and eat way too much of it. Did you know that a serving is really only the size and thickness of your palm?

Vegetables totally depend on what I have on hand at the moment. Since we get a basket from our CSA (community-supported agriculture) every week, we have a bunch of good ones to choose from. Try to get local, in-season produce and buy a variety. There’s a reason we have more than 5 vegetable types in the world, you know. :)

Herbs and spices are where you can really vary your flavors! Experiment with new flavors. Use a combination of fresh and dried herbs. Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland, people!

I used fresh garlic and rosemary in the bowl of yum you see in the picture. My fat was coconut oil, protein was mild Italian sausage, and vegetables were red potatoes, zucchini, onions, and mushrooms. It was fabulous for lunch today…and will be great with an egg across it tomorrow for breakfast!

Kate Dotson