
What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is based on the science that disease is the result of nutrient deficiencies in the body accumulating over time.  Without proper nutrients coming in, your bodily processes begin to degrade, then your cells start to malfunction, then your organs are impacted, then your symptoms finally begin to appear.  Your poor body has been valiantly trying to rally and protect you, but without the right raw materials it can only do so much.


So, what can you do?


support the foundations

Food is medicine.  Read that again.  And again.  If you don't believe it yet, read it again.

Using a properly prepared nutrient-dense, whole foods diet, you can support the five foundations of your health:

  • Hydration

  • Digestion

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Fatty Acid Balance

  • Mineral Balance

reduce toxic burden

In our modern day, it's impossible to avoid all toxic substances.  They are everywhere.  You can, however, make some choices to reduce the toxic burden on your body.  

Picture a fast-moving soccer goalie using lightning-quick reflexes to block every shot.  Now, picture that same goalie with a swarm of wasps attacking him during the game.  Do you think he's going to be as effective when's he's constantly being bombarded with distractions?  Do you think he's going to have to make some decisions and sacrifice something?

That's what happens to your body under a typical toxic load.  



Listen to your body

A body in balance is a happy body.  A body that has become a train wreck is not.  And, trust me.  Along the way, it was trying to send you messages that things were getting out of whack.  But did you listen?  Probably not.  I know I didn't.

Let's fix that, shall we?  

As we work together to find and resolve nutritional deficiencies, reduce your toxic burden, and change other lifestyle factors for the better, you'll be much more aware of what serves your body and what really doesn't.  You'll be listening for it.  Your mom would be so proud.