What is the RESTART® program?

Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination!

The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar and carb cravings. Discover how good you can feel!

What you'll learn


Get Ready! Learn how to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for your successful REAL FOOD sugar detox.


Healthy digestion is critical - how is yours? Find out how it’s designed to work and how to optimize your digestion to get the most out of your healthy diet.


So what’s the big deal about sugar? Learn how your body responds to excess sugar and refined carbs, and learn how to get off of the sugar rollercoaster.


Think fat makes you fat? We unveil the truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential to your diet. Learn which ones to enjoy, which ones to avoid and why.

Week 5

YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.

Buy the official Cookbook

Buy the official 3-Month Journal

Thanks to Kate and the RESTART® program, I am off the FOUR diabetes medications that I used to take, my sugars are between 60 and 100, and I lost 15 pounds! Her support and patience have allowed my whole family to stick to a program and improve our health, reduce inflammation, feel better, and look better! I highly recommend her to anyone looking to be the best they can be!!!
— Rick (Cypress, TX)
The RESTART® program has completely changed my life. I had so much joint pain and mental cloudiness I was becoming very withdrawn from activities and socializing. It was not long at all into the detox I noticed measurable changes and now I feel like a new person. We have opted to continue a no-sugar eating plan focusing on plant based foods. I was fortunate enough that my husband followed me through. I am still losing weight and look forward to the future now. It literally changed my life!!!!!
— Patricia (Houston, TX)
I learned more about my body, toxicity, food as medicine, and information about sugar, fats, and digestion in these short weeks through our meetings and handouts than I have in over 35 years of trying to get it together through medications, supplements, books, diets, videos, etc.
— Vivian (Caldwell, NJ)
The RESTART program was an eye-opener! It’s chock full of information to understand and improve your body’s health. It is remarkable how much better you can feel after eating well for just 3 weeks. Highly recommended program!
— Donna (Katy, TX)
I completed the 5 week RESTART program which includes 3 weeks of sugar detox recently. I didn’t believe I could do it, because I am a sugar addict. Although I went out of town during the detox and had a few missteps, I completed the program. To my astonishment, sugar plays a major role in how we feel and move. I feel better and some of my joint pain and tendinitis is gone...in just 3 weeks.

About 9 or 10 days into the detox, I felt like I was walking on air sometimes. I knew sugar had negative effects on the body, but the detox opened my eyes as to how much of an effect. I am amazed! I intend to try the 21 day detox again soon. I recommend the RESTART program to improve your well being and curb sugar cravings.
— Angela (Houston, TX)