Body Fat Percentage doesn't tell the whole story

Today, I had a phone call with a missed opportunity. Here’s how it went down:

Female Caller: Hi, do you do body fat percentage measurements?
Kate: No, I do not.
FC: OK, thanks. [hangs up]

So, who missed the opportunity here? Well, unfortunately, we both did.

She was so laser focused on that single question that she didn’t ask anything further or give me a chance to provide more info. I’m sure she had her reasons.

I should have continued my first sentence with a “because” explanation to help her understand how the percentage is just a tiny piece of the overall health puzzle. That could’ve blossomed into a meaningful discussion about functional nutrition and lead to us working together to optimize her health.

Body fat percentage is a single marker, like fasting glucose or weight or cholesterol, that taken by itself doesn’t indicate “good” or “bad” health. There are many people out there with body fat in the “normal” range who are still out of balance in one or more of the foundations—hydration, digestion, blood sugar handling, fatty acids, and minerals—leading to chronic issues. Likewise, there are people out there with a higher-than-normal body fat who are very well-balanced in their foundations and feeling vibrantly alive and energetic every day.

That’s one of the reasons I love teaching the RESTART program. Weight/fat loss is a happy side effect of getting dialed into a nutrient-dense, whole food diet. We focus on how each participant feels, rather than the number on the scale. I’ve had people lose up to 19 lbs (yep, it’s usually the guys, darn it) and I’ve had people who only lost 5-8 lbs but they lose inches, their clothes fit better, and they feel so energized, the number isn’t the focus. They KNOW they’re becoming healthier from those other signs.

Hopefully, my caller finds what she’s looking for, but if not, I hope she looks deeper. You never know, maybe the universe will bring us back together at a later date.

Kate Dotson