My first podcast experience!

Well, I had a new experience last week. It’s nutrition-related, don’t worry, but you kinda need the backstory first.

Almost 5 years ago, after my teenage daughter asked me if she could dye her hair grey (like all the cool kids were doing at the time), I began to question why I continued to hiding my natural grey. I always hated the wasted time, the expense, the stink of the products, and decided it probably wasn’t the smartest thing in the world to be dumping chemicals on my brain box. And, quite honestly, the silver color peeking through (way too soon after going to the salon for hours) looked like a pretty color. I wondered how it would look all grown out.

So I made my decision and stepped off the Dye Train. Of course, with my hair about 3 inches below my shoulders, my first thought was, “OK, now what? How do I get there the fastest?” Keep in mind, I’d tried this once before and gave up after 6 months, because my mindset wasn’t quite able to overcome the stereotypical “grey = old” mentality. This time I was committed. I was going to be Silverlicious, not old & grey!

I searched for ways to transition and stumbled across a video of a lady named Sharon Danley who was going through transition. She’d created a Facebook group for other women who were embracing their natural silver hair color, so I joined it. I didn’t really feel like I needed support, but I figured I might be able to glean some tidbits of experience to help.

First of all, I apologize for ever thinking support groups aren’t needed. It was a great experience, and I’m still in the group today to add my support for other transitionistas, as I like to call them. Not only did I glean tidbits, I met a bunch of fantastic ladies, some of whom I consider very good friends (even if Jeff calls them ‘imaginary’). Also, that was the grey group where my little guardian angel popped up to point me in the right direction and start my health transformation! I will always have a soft spot in my heart for that Facebook group called “Going Gray & Lovin’ It.”

One of my new silver sisters was Abby Moneyhun. This woman actually shaved her long hair right off when she decided to take the plunge. I was floored by her bravery and so impressed. She’d been going through some outside challenges and used this experience as a signal of her brand new start. The more I got to know her, the more I liked her.

OK, back to nutrition.

Abby knew I was getting this certification and wanted to have me on her podcast. She reached out right before my finals, but I had to hold her off until things settled down a little bit. OK, it’s true…I was afraid. A few weeks ago, she gave me the gentlest of shoves in a comment on one of my posts. I took a deep breath, put on my big girl panties, and decided to do it.

I hope you enjoy our conversation and share it with friends and family. Maybe you could be somebody’s “little guardian angel” and help them, too.

Listen to the podcast.